Altair ====== How to use projections in Altair? --------------------------------- A set of predetermined projection is available in Vega (`documentation `_, therefore in Altair, but they can be lacking, especially for local scales. `Projections `_ can be passed to the ``.project()`` method with the ``**`` unpacking operator. Note that not all projections defined in custom have an equivalent in Altair, in which case an exception could be raised. .. jupyter-execute:: import altair as alt from vega_datasets import data from import ( Orthographic, GeoscienceAustraliaLambert, EPSG_3348, UTM, ) world = alt.topo_feature(data.world_110m.url, "countries") base = alt.Chart(world).mark_geoshape(stroke="white").properties(width=200, height=200) ( alt.concat( base.project("mercator").properties(title="Mercator"), base.project(**Orthographic()).properties(title="Orthographic"), base.project(**Orthographic(110, 35)).properties(title="Orthographic(110, 35)"), base.project(**GeoscienceAustraliaLambert()) .properties(title="Geoscience Australia Lambert") # .transform_filter(" == 36"), base.project(**EPSG_3348()) .properties(title="EPSG:3348") .transform_filter(" == 124"), base.project(**UTM(47)) .properties(title="UTM(47)") .transform_filter(" == 356"), columns=3, ) .configure_view(stroke=None) .configure_title(font="Fira Sans, Lato, sans-serif", fontSize=14, anchor="start") .configure_legend(orient="bottom", columns=6) ) How to clip data to a bounding box? ----------------------------------- Such support is very limited. To my knowledge, such computation is not available in Altair. However, we can explore different possibilities with Geopandas. But first, the data, together with the definition of a bounding box. .. jupyter-execute:: from import EuroPP, Orthographic from cartes.atlas import world from shapely.geometry import box import altair as alt data = projection = EuroPP() west, east, south, north = extent = (-20, 40, 30, 80) bounding_box = box(west, south, east, north) graticule = alt.graticule(extent=((west, south), (east + .01, north + .01))) alt.layer( alt.Chart(world.countries.sans_.topo_feature) .mark_geoshape(stroke="white") .project(**Orthographic(10, 55)), alt.Chart(bounding_box).mark_geoshape(color="#bab0ac99"), ).configure_view(stroke=None) A first naive (necessary) approach would be to filter out all features not intersecting the bounding box: .. jupyter-execute:: alt.layer( alt.Chart(data.loc[data.intersects(bounding_box)]) .mark_geoshape(stroke="white") .project(**projection), alt.Chart(graticule).mark_geoshape(color="#bab0ac"), ).configure_view(stroke=None) This is obviously not ideal, even putting Russia aside. .. tip:: Another option would be to compute the intersections of all features with the bounding box: that is what the ``.extent()`` method is for. This method is monkey-patched to Geopandas dataframe upon loading of the cartes library. .. jupyter-execute:: ( alt.hconcat( alt.layer( alt.Chart(data.extent(extent)) .mark_geoshape(stroke="white") .project(**projection) .properties(title="data.extent(extent)"), alt.Chart(graticule).mark_geoshape(color="#bab0ac"), ), alt.layer( alt.Chart(data.extent(extent, projection)) .mark_geoshape(stroke="white") .properties(width=300, title="data.extent(extent, projection)"), alt.Chart(graticule).mark_geoshape(color="#bab0ac"), ), ) .configure_view(stroke=None) .configure_title( font="Inconsolata, Liberation Mono, Monaco, monospace", fontSize=16 ) ) .. warning:: Compare the two maps: it is important to reinject the projection to the ``.extent()`` method so as the bounding box is recomputed in the projected space, and ported back to a lat/lon shape. .. tip:: The ``.extent()`` method accepts any extent tuple, shape or text to be passed to the `Nominatim `_ API. A ``buffer`` argument helps adjusting those bounds. .. jupyter-execute:: import geopandas as gpd # Not ideal... for now! github_url = "{user}/{repo}/master/{path}" communes = gpd.GeoDataFrame.from_file( github_url.format( user="gregoiredavid", repo="france-geojson", path="communes.geojson", ) ) ( alt.layer( alt.Chart(communes.extent("Hyères", projection, buffer=0.2)) .mark_geoshape(stroke="white", strokeWidth=1.5, opacity=0.9) .encode( color=alt.condition( "datum.nom == 'Hyères'", alt.value("#f58518"), alt.value("#bab0ac") ), tooltip=alt.Tooltip("nom:N"), ) .project(**projection), alt.Chart( communes.query('nom == "Hyères"').assign( lat=lambda df: df.centroid.y, lon=lambda df: df.centroid.x ) ) .mark_text() .encode(alt.Text("nom"), alt.Latitude("lat"), alt.Longitude("lon")), ) .configure_view(stroke=None) .configure_text(font="Fira Sans, Lato, sans-serif", size=18) .properties(width=600, height=500) )