Swiss cantons ============= A simple Swiss maps, to be further improved with arms when ``.mark_image()`` is compatible with latitude and longitude channels in Altair. .. jupyter-execute:: import altair as alt from import GaussKrueger from cartes.atlas import germany # Switzerland and Australia are with this Germany data sans_serif = "Fira Sans, Lato, sans-serif" base = alt.Chart(germany.dach.topo_feature) ( alt.layer( base.mark_geoshape(stroke="white", strokeWidth=1.5, opacity=0.9) .encode( alt.Color("properties.NAME_1:N", title="Canton | Kanton"), alt.Tooltip("properties.NAME_1:N"), ) .transform_filter(" != 'Water body'"), base.mark_geoshape( stroke="white", strokeWidth=1.5, color="steelblue", opacity=0.5 ) .transform_filter(" == 'Water body'") ) .project(**GaussKrueger()) # CH1903p projection is not compatible with Altair .transform_filter(" == 'CHE'") .configure_view(stroke=None) .configure_text(font=sans_serif, size=15) .configure_legend( orient="bottom", columns=6, labelFont=sans_serif, labelFontSize=12, titleFont=sans_serif, titleFontSize=14, ) .properties(width=600, height=500) )